Alexander Balatsky, Eitan Tadmor and Vadim Kaloshin join the ETH-ITS as Senior Fellows

Three new Senior Fellows join the ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies this summer to stay for the coming academic year.  Their research interests cover a broad spectrum in mathematics and physics with applications to material science, engineering and computer science.

Eitan Tadmor
Eitan Tadmor
Alexander Balatsky
Alexander Balatsky

Condensed matter physicist Alexander Balatsky, of Nordita (Stockholm) and the National Laboratories at Los Alamos, came last month for the second part of his stay at the ETH-ITS. He is an expert on many aspects of strongly correlated systems of electrons and his main current research interest is on Dirac materials, on which he gave an ITS Science Colloquium last spring. The Institute also welcomes Eitan Tadmor, distinguished Professor at the University of Maryland, who is a leading applied mathematician with interests in nonlinear partial differential equations, numerical analysis, scientific computing, with applications in fluid dynamics, image processing and more recently in the modeling of  social phenomena. Mathematician Vadim Kaloshin, who holds the Brin Chair in Mathematics at the University of Maryland, will come later this summer. He is a renowned specialist in dynamical systems and celestial mechanics, who obtained striking results in Hamiltonian mechanics, in particular on the n-body problem and on Arnold diffusion. In the autumn semester 2016, Kaloshin will give a course in the ETH Lectures in Mathematics series. These Senior Fellows join Riccardo Barbieri, who is staying at the ITS until the end of October. The next Senior Fellows are Jean-Michel Coron (Université Pierre et Marie Curie), Gerhard Huisken, (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach) and Claire Voisin, (College de France) who will come at the beginning of 2017 and Leonid Glazman of Yale University, who will join later in 2017.