Workshop on Integrable Sigma-Models

Workshop from 27 - 31 May 2024

Sigma-models form an important class of two-dimensional field theories with applications in various domains of physics, such as string theory, holography and condensed matter systems. Among this class, the integrable cases offer a very powerful and valuable insight, as they admit exact and non-perturbative methods for the computation of their physical observables. The goal of this workshop is to discuss recent advances and future perspectives in this field, following three main axes: the construction and classification of new classical integrable sigma-models, the quantisation of these theories and finally their applications to holography and the AdS/CFT correspondence. By bringing together experts working in these three main disciplines, this workshop will facilitate an open and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas on how to resolve the pressing questions in the field of integrable sigma-models.
Organizers: Sylvain Lacroix (ETHZ), Sibylle Driezen (ETHZ), Ana Retore (Durham University), Fiona Seibold (Imperial College London) and Alessandro Sfondrini (University of Padua).
Workshop location: ETH Zurich, Institute for Theoretical Studies (ITS), Seminar Room, Clausiusstrasse 47, 8006 Zürich
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