Information for guests
The fastest way to get from Zurich airport to the ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies is to take tram number 10 (direction Zürich Bahnhofplatz/Hauptbahnhof) and get off at Seilbahn Rigiblick. From there it is a five minutes walk to the Institute. Please click external page here to see the address on google maps.
ETH Main Building, HG F 67.1, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich
Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 11:00-13:00
Cash Desk Flyer (German only)
ETH emergency number intern (24/7): 888
ETH emergency number extern (24/7): +41 44 342 11 88
Police: 117
Fire: 118
Ambulance: 144
Medical assistance: +41 44 421 21 21
Toxicological Information Centre: 145
University Hospital: +41 44 255 11 11
If calling from within ETH always dial 0 first and then the number (except for the ETH emergency number).
As an academic guest at the ETH-ITS you will receive an ETH card for your stay that serves as an ID and it is the key to enter our Institute. Furthermore, you will receive discount in all the cafeterias and restaurants. It is also used for borrowing books at the ETH library and it works as well for the main building after opening hours. Please always bring it with you.
Here you can get more information about ETH Events.
The ETH offers many different opportunities in terms of cafeterias and restaurants to choose from. Here you get an overview of the diversity. Always have your ETH Card with you to make sure you get the discount in the ETH cafeterias and restaurants.
ETH Zürich
Institute for Theoretical Studies
Scheuchzerstrasse 70
CH–8092 Zürich
If you need assistance in case of an IT issue please do not hesitate to contact our IT Support and generate a ticket. They will get to you as soon as possible.
The lines in the ITS offices are cleared for national calls as well as for France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Italy, the UK and the US.
To call outside of ETH always dial 0 first, then the whole number including any zeros of the country or area code.
For calls within ETH dial the last five digits of the phone number.
To print documents please send it to the following address:
Information about the public transport system of Zurich and Switzerland can be found in the link down below.
external page ZVV / Zürich
external page SBB / Switzerland

To find more information about accommodation, gastronomy, sights and tours in and around Zurich external page click here.
Please also visit the tourist infomation desk that is located in the main hall of Zurich main station.