The ETH-ITS warmly welcomes Izabella Lovas

Izabella Lovas

We are delighted to announce that Izabella Lovas will join the ITS in October 2024 as an Advanced Fellow. See more information on her career below.

Izabella Lovas received her PhD in Physics from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics under the supervision of Gergely Zarand. She later held postdoctoral positions at the Technical University of Munich and at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara. Her research interests lie at the intersection of theoretical condensed matter physics and quantum information theory, motivated by the rapid development of quantum simulators, tunable devices permitting to experimentally realize and study quantum systems with unprecedented control. In particular,  Izabella has studied the strongly correlated phases and dynamical properties of various interacting quantum many-body systems, by combining analytical considerations and numerical simulations.

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