All stories by Livia Kürsteiner

New article on Christoph Kehle's recent work featured in Quanta Magazine

Congratulations to Maria Colombo and Nina Holden!

The ETH-ITS has three new arrivals in September 2024

Gilles Brassard awarded with the Technology Award 2023 by the EDUARD RHEIN FOUNDATION

Rhea Palak Bakshi publishes book in knot theory

Viviane Baladi receives Teubner Foundation Science Award

Gilles Brassard will be back at the ITS soon!

We look forward to Daniel Huybrechts' third visit

A warm welcome to a familiar face

Daniel Huybrechts' new book

We look forward to Yuval Wigderson's arrival at the ITS in September

We are pleased to welcome a new Advanced Fellow soon

Senior Fellow Daniel Huybrechts was awarded the Compositio Prize at HU Berlin

Popular scientific coverage of Michael Borinsky's recent research

We are happy to announce the upcoming arrival of Alex Eskin

Sanjeev Arora to join the ETH-ITS as Senior Fellow soon

We look forward to welcoming Christoph Kehle again soon!

Johannes Knörzer joins the ETH-ITS

"At the interface of physics and mathematics" by Barbara Vonarburg

The ETH-ITS welcomes Yunan Yang

Congratulations to Pierrick Bousseau!

Annual report ETH-ITS 2020-2021

Two new Senior Fellows to arrive in August 2021

A warm welcome to six new ITS Fellows

The ETH-ITS welcomes Marvin Künnemann

Nina Holden awarded 2021 New Frontiers in Mathematics prize

A warm welcome to our two new Junior Fellows

Article on ITS Science Colloquium

The ETH-ITS welcomes three new Junior Fellows

Three new Junior Fellows will join the ETH-ITS

Gilles Brassard receives the Wolf Prize for Physics

Lavinia Heisenberg receives the Gustav Hertz Prize

Cosmology and Quantum Information at the ETH-ITS

A gravity researcher in search of weightlessness

ETH-ITS Senior Fellow Claire Voisin receives the Shaw prize 2017