All stories by Livia Kürsteiner
Exciting news: The ITS has a new home!
We have moved to a new location: Scheuchzerstrasse 70 / Floor D
New article on Christoph Kehle's recent work featured in Quanta Magazine
We are proud to share a scientific article by former Junior Fellow Christoph Kehle (MIT) about his work with Ryan Unger (Stanford) with the title "Mathematicians Prove Hawking Wrong About the Most Extreme Black Holes".
Congratulations to Maria Colombo and Nina Holden!
Former ITS Junior Fellows Maria Colombo (EPFL) and Nina Holden (NYU) were awarded EMS prizes at the European Congress of Mathematics in Sevilla in July 2024.
The ETH-ITS has three new arrivals in September 2024
We gladly announce that the institute will have two new Senior Fellows and one new Junior Fellow soon. Gigliola Staffilani and Tom Mrowka will join the ITS for the Fall semester and Oliver Edtmair will be a postdoc for up to three years.
Gilles Brassard awarded with the Technology Award 2023 by the EDUARD RHEIN FOUNDATION
We congratulate Gilles Brassard and Charles H. Bennett on receiving this special prize.
Rhea Palak Bakshi publishes book in knot theory
We are happy to announce the publication of Rhea Palak Bakshi's book with the title "Lectures in Knot Theory, An Exploration of Contemporary Topics". Congratulations to Rhea Palak Bakshi for this remarkable achievement!
Viviane Baladi receives Teubner Foundation Science Award
We congratulate Viviane Baladi for being awarded with the Teubner Foundation Science Award for her contributions to the field of dynamical systems.
Gilles Brassard will be back at the ITS soon!
The ETH-ITS is pleased to have Gilles Brassard back as Senior Fellow as of 18 March 2024 for a few months.
We look forward to Daniel Huybrechts' third visit
We are pleased to inform about the arrival of Daniel Huybrechts on 16 Feburary 2024. He will stay at the ITS for a short visit until 5 April 2024.
A warm welcome to a familiar face
We are very happy to announce the return of Viviane Baladi as Senior Fellow to the institute. She will be visiting us from January to April 2024.
Daniel Huybrechts' new book
Former Senior Fellow Daniel Huybrechts worked on the final draft of his book on the geometry of cubic hypersurfaces in June 2023 while visiting the ITS. The book is now published by Cambridge University Press. We congratulate Daniel for his success!
We look forward to Yuval Wigderson's arrival at the ITS in September
We are happy to announce that Dr. Yuval Wigderson will join the institute as a Junior Fellow. Please see more information on his career bellow.
We are pleased to welcome a new Advanced Fellow soon
Peter Koymans will join the ITS as an Advanced Fellow as of August 2023.
Senior Fellow Daniel Huybrechts was awarded the Compositio Prize at HU Berlin
We are happy to inform you that Daniel Huybrechts received the Compositio Prize on February 10th at HU Berlin for his paper. Congratulations!
Popular scientific coverage of Michael Borinsky's recent research
We are delighted to share an article published in Quanta Magazine on a recent publication by Michael Borinsky (ITS Advanced Fellow) and Karen Vogtmann on the amount of cohomology in the moduli space of graphs.
We are happy to announce the upcoming arrival of Alex Eskin
The ITS is pleased to welcome Alex Eskin as new ITS Senior Fellow in March. He will stay in Zurich for the spring semester 2023.
Sanjeev Arora to join the ETH-ITS as Senior Fellow soon
We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming arrival of Prof. Sanjeev Arora in late August 2022. The new Senior Fellow will stay in Zurich for two months.
We look forward to welcoming Christoph Kehle again soon!
The ETH-ITS is happy to have Christoph Kehle back as Junior Fellow as of 01 August 2022. He will stay in Zurich for another two years. Please read below introduction for further information on Christoph's career.
Johannes Knörzer joins the ETH-ITS
We would like to warmly welcome Johannes Knörzer, our newest Junior Fellow, who joined the institute in February 2022.
"At the interface of physics and mathematics" by Barbara Vonarburg
We are delighted to announce the publication of the portrait article on ITS Advanced Fellow Sylvain Lacroix.
The ETH-ITS welcomes Yunan Yang
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Yunan Yang has joined the ETH-ITS in January 2022 as Advanced Fellow.
Congratulations to Pierrick Bousseau!
We are delighted to announce that Pierrick Bousseau, former ETH-ITS Junior Fellow, received the Cours et Prix Claude-Antoine Peccot 2021-2022.
Annual report ETH-ITS 2020-2021
We are pleased to inform you the annual scientific report of the ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies is released. The report includes highlights for the past year 2020/2021 and an outlook for the current academic year.
Two new Senior Fellows to arrive in August 2021
We are welcoming our first Senior Fellows after the start of the pandemic, Albrecht Klemm from Bonn and Mikhail Lyubich from Stony Brook.
A warm welcome to six new ITS Fellows
We are happy to announce that the ITS scientific team will be enlarged by five new Junior and Advanced Fellows by September 2021. Yunan Yang will join the institute in January 2022.
The ETH-ITS welcomes Marvin Künnemann
We are happy to announce that Dr. Marvin Künnemann has joined the ETH-ITS in April as our first Advanced Fellow.
Nina Holden awarded 2021 New Frontiers in Mathematics prize
We sincerely congratulate Nina Holden for winning the 2021 Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize “for work in random geometry, particularly on Liouville Quantum Gravity as a scaling limit of random triangulations.”
A warm welcome to our two new Junior Fellows
The ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies will be joined by two new Junior Fellows in September 2020.
Article on ITS Science Colloquium
We are happy to see that yesterday's colloquium of Tanja Stadler with the title "Understanding the epidemic spread of COVID-19 through analysis of Sars-CoV-2 genomes" attracted attention.
The ETH-ITS welcomes three new Junior Fellows
We are happy to announce the arrival of three new Junior Fellows to the ETH-ITS this summer. Yi-Jun Chang will be joining us in July, Dominik Schröder and Stefan Glock in September. Please see more information below.
Three new Junior Fellows will join the ETH-ITS
The Institute is pleased to welcome three new Junior Fellows this September.
Gilles Brassard receives the Wolf Prize for Physics
The ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies congratulates former Senior Fellow Gilles Brassard on being awarded the 2018 Wolf Prize for Physics.
Lavinia Heisenberg receives the Gustav Hertz Prize
Lavinia Heisenberg, Junior Fellow at the ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies, is awarded the Gustav Hertz Prize 2018 of the German Physical Society.
Cosmology and Quantum Information at the ETH-ITS
Gravitational waves in cosmology and foundations of quantum thermodynamics feature in the research of two fellows who joined the Institute in this semester.
A gravity researcher in search of weightlessness
Lavinia Heisenberg is a theoretical physicist. She is reluctant to accept that General Relativity can be used to describe the universe only on the assumption of exotic materials and energy sources. Her goal is thus to update Einstein’s theory. (Written by Samuel Schlaefli)
ETH-ITS Senior Fellow Claire Voisin receives the Shaw prize 2017
Claire Voisin, of the Collège de France, currently Senior Fellow at the ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies, receives the 2017 Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences. She shares the prize with János Kollár, of Princeton University.