A warm welcome to a familiar face
We are very happy to announce the return of Viviane Baladi as Senior Fellow to the institute. She will be visiting us from January to April 2024.
Weiming Feng and Chiara Meroni join the ETH-ITS
The Institute warmly welcomes the two new Junior Fellows Weiming Feng and Chiara Meroni as of January and February 2024
Daniel Huybrechts' new book
Former Senior Fellow Daniel Huybrechts worked on the final draft of his book on the geometry of cubic hypersurfaces in June 2023 while visiting the ITS. The book is now published by Cambridge University Press. We congratulate Daniel for his success!
We look forward to Yuval Wigderson's arrival at the ITS in September
We are happy to announce that Dr. Yuval Wigderson will join the institute as a Junior Fellow. Please see more information on his career bellow.
"A change of perspective caused a sensation"
We are pleased to announce the publication of the portrait article on our former ITS Advanced Fellow Yunan Yang.
We are pleased to welcome a new Advanced Fellow soon
Peter Koymans will join the ITS as an Advanced Fellow as of August 2023.
The ITS warmly welcomes Kannan Soundararajan as Senior Fellow for a second time
The ETH-ITS is happy to have Kannan Soundararajan back as Senior Fellow as of July 2023.
Senior Fellow Daniel Huybrechts was awarded the Compositio Prize at HU Berlin
We are happy to inform you that Daniel Huybrechts received the Compositio Prize on February 10th at HU Berlin for his paper. Congratulations!
Popular scientific coverage of Michael Borinsky's recent research
We are delighted to share an article published in Quanta Magazine on a recent publication by Michael Borinsky (ITS Advanced Fellow) and Karen Vogtmann on the amount of cohomology in the moduli space of graphs.
We are happy to announce the upcoming arrival of Alex Eskin
The ITS is pleased to welcome Alex Eskin as new ITS Senior Fellow in March. He will stay in Zurich for the spring semester 2023.