Weiming Feng and Chiara Meroni join the ETH-ITS
The Institute warmly welcomes the two new Junior Fellows Weiming Feng and Chiara Meroni as of January and February 2024

Weiming Feng received his PhD in Computer Science from Nanjing University in 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Yitong Yin. His research interests lie in Theoretical Computer Science, with a particular focus on sampling algorithms for high-dimensional distributions. His research work includes studying the mixing times of Markov chains, understanding the relation between sampling and the Lovász local lemma, as well as developing new algorithms for distributed and dynamic sampling problems.

Chiara Meroni received her PhD in Mathematics in 2022 from the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig, where she conducted research under the supervision of Rainer Sinn and Bernd Sturmfels. Afterwards, she held postdoctoral positions at ICERM and Harvard University. Her research focuses on convex and real algebraic geometry, with a particular interest in exploring multiple directions and viewpoints, including optimization and quantum physics. More specifically, she investigated the boundary structure and behavior of convex sets defined by nonlinear polynomials.